Page name: Mitternacht Route [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-30 20:24:10
Last author: Bri-chan
Owner: Bri-chan
# of watchers: 11
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Welcome fellow traveler, to Mitternacht Route!


UPDATE: June 30, 2005 - New Place!!

Yeah! We finally have something NEW around here!! A new place to go: The Versteckte Oase

Et's a PARK PEOPLE!! Go frolic in the PARK!!

Kommen Sie Ein, kommen Sie alle, und Angebotempfang zu Mitternacht Route! *Laughs* As I said, Welcome!

Et seems that ye has come across the humble little town of Mitternacht Route, where anything is possible. I am the Mayor, Ryce Shirogitsune, but ye may call me Ryce. But I think ye is more interested with ze town.

Well, ye see, Mitternacht Route is where any creature anywhere can feel welcomed among their fellow townspeople and be themselves; and here, everyone is welcome. Mitternacht Route is a place where one can be his or herself and not be afraid to do so. Here, Humans and Elves walk upon ze same street like any other day with their friends. Here, all kinds of species of Vampire and Demon gamble and drink while having magnificent parties. Here, all sorts of creatures roam the shops and restaurants we have to offer. Here, there is a mysterious forest that few have survived going through.

But personality is what is mostly important here. Whether ye has a house with mangas and ramen cups stacked up to the ceilings and music blasting out of your stereo, or countless weapons lining ze walls and piles of dead bodies lying in ze background, it doesn't matter. Be yourself.

So....who will ye be? In this little place known as Mitternacht Route?



1.) This is a rather serious RP. Yes, yes, comedy is really hoped for, but don't treat et like a joke.

2.) PORN WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!! No questioned asked.

3.) Don't insult others on their characters or how they should be. You can give them suggestions, but ef the user who created the character likes them the way they are, then just leave et at that.

4.) This isn't an MSN, Yahoo!, or AIM RP. RPing like "What hapend 2 her? Where wer U?" isn't allowed, along with "*walks in and takes a drink* how ya'll doing?*" and bad grammer and spelling. Try to make your post as detailed as you can make et.

5.) The point of this RP is to have fun. Even though et is a serious RP, try to have as much fun as possible. Also, remember that this is fiction. Pretty much nothing is real.

6.) Cursing and bad language is mostly on the downlow. Ef your character is known for their bad language and rudeness, that's fine; but don't curse in every other word. Et makes the site rather filthy and unattractive to others.

7.) And don't forget the most important rule of all: DON'T BE AN @S$HOLE!!


Mitternacht Route Banners


Members for Mitternact Route

The Mitternact Route homes


Mitternact Route- The Road
The Mitternact café
The Nachtduivel Inn
The Marktplein
The Bloedend Maria Bar
[The Many Stores of Mitternacht Route]: Coming Soon...
[The Mitternacht Mansion]: Coming Soon...
The Mitternacht Forest
The Mitternacht Bank
[!!NEW!!]The Versteckte Oase <-- The Park!



This wiki is owned and managed by [Bri-chan]

Username (or number or email):


2004-11-22 [Bri-chan]: yay! Okami joined! all is well now ^ ^ *hugs herself*

2004-11-22 [Okami]: hmm. . . *depates on where to put Desya* ~_~ poor boy.

2004-11-22 [Bri-chan]: oh! okami! I LOVE yer pic w/ Ranashi and Atsuka! I was wondering, though, can i put zat pic above mah Ranashi info in Bri-chan's Characters?, I'll even put: Ranashi & Atsuka (c) [Bri-chan] and Art (c) [Okami]. is that okay? can i do that?

2004-11-22 [Okami]: yeah, i don't care ^_^;; they're yer characters. and when et gets to ye. . . et'll be yer picture.

2004-11-22 [Okami]: eeee someone help us decide where to put Desya pleaaase!?! *melts* we realize that may have been a stupid thing to do. . . so if et was, beat us promptly >.>

2004-11-22 [Rambert]: Well, if you put them anywhere but the bar, then my character Gregory will join them...

2004-11-22 [Okami]: ok. . but where? 0_o

2004-11-22 [Rambert]: I dunno... *eyes dart around nervously* just pick one!!!

2004-11-22 [Okami]: iiiii somewhere where creatures already are, or where there's nobody?? *sucks at making dicisions*

2004-11-22 [Rambert]: How about the Marketplein (sp)?

2004-11-22 [Okami]: okies ^_^- *beats self for idiocy* gomen aboot that.

2004-11-22 [Bri-chan]: wow Okami OO yer really good at russian accents! I mite have to have Ao join yoo guys...

2004-11-22 [Rambert]: Ok, then Angela might follow along too...

2004-11-25 [jaguargal]: Banners! You need Banners! *is going to go on a banner spree*

2004-11-25 [Bri-chan]: uh...yes. i do. i'll set up a banner page oO

2004-12-11 [jaguargal]: kk ^^

2004-12-11 [Bri-chan]: JaguarGal.....PLEASE change ze font on ze banner!!!! Oi cahn't read et -_-

2004-12-12 [jaguargal]: OKies, what dya want me to change it to?

2004-12-13 [Bri-chan]: a special cursive or fancy old English writing....something like that >.>

2004-12-13 [SilverSeraph1291]: yes yes i agree! curvy writing is cool! (i havent even seen the banner yet)

2004-12-13 [Bri-chan]: go look! go look! but i don't think et's finished yet.....but ye can still look! ^ ^

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